April 2020, Monthly Wrap-Up
I hope you have been alright this month. On my end? Here is what I've been up to in April 2020, amid COVID-19 restrictions.
Here’s my Personal Mission Statement
One of the key takeaways from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is the importance of writing and living by a Personal Mission Statement.
The story of the Golden Egg
When your chick can lay Golden Eggs, what should you focus on the most, the miraculous chick, or the golden eggs she can lay?
11 things I learned in 22 years on Earth
I really wanted to come back on some lessons I gathered over the years. Here are 11 things I learned in 22 years on Earth.
Don’t forget how to play
We can’t allow ourselves to forget how to play, to forget what it feels like to be so passionate about something that you forget everything else.
11 things I achieved in 22 years on Earth
It’s my birthday! As today marks the beginning of my 22nd year, I thought I would think of all I have learned and achieved so far.
March 2020, Monthly Wrap-Up
Although I’m not sure there is much to say about 15 (and still going) days in isolation, here is what I've been up to in March 2020.
To-Do Lists: 5 apps to stay organized as a student
As a student, it’s rather easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to get done. Here's why you should use To-Do Lists!
Why you should (and how to) make learning a priority in 2020
Picture yourself a few years down the road. What would you like to have accomplished, where would you like to be?