
March 2020, Monthly Wrap-Up

Although I’m not sure there is much to say about 15 (and still going) days in isolation, here is what I've been up to in March 2020.

Hey friends,

Wherever you are, I hope you have been okay and safe this month, especially given the current situation. Although I’m not sure there is much to say about 15 (and still going) days in isolation, I believe that it is important to keep track of our accomplishments, however small every month, so that we can keep going stronger and stronger. So, without further ado, here’s what I’ve been up to in March 2020!

Social-Distancing and the whole COVID-19 situation

To be honest, from the beginning to this point, the whole situation has been confusing. One minute I was in class and the one after I was told to stay home for a minimum of 15 days, with no news about my upcoming exams or of what to expect from now on. And, I get it. Everyone is confused by the situation, starting with the politicians, and the people “in charge”. Yet, I can’t help to wonder what will happen next?

As I’m writing this post, I’m still in “social distancing”, staying at home as not to get infect or risk infecting other people. As an introvert, I’m rather alright with that, and it actually gives me the opportunity to really focus on my health and make progress on important projects of mine. It just feels weird to not really being able to go out, see people, workout or.. well, go to school.

What I learned in March 2020

Well, as expected in my last Monthly Wrap-Up, March 2020 was quite a nice month on the learning front. Alright I didn't have class for most of it, but it actually gave me time to catch up with my readings, my coding tutorials, and pretty much everything else, and it just feels amazing.

In March 2020, I've loved reading these books :

This month, I also continued following my coding tutorial : "The Complete React Developer Course (w/ Hooks and Redux)". I made quite a lot of progress and I'm planning to finish it soon.

Cloudy sky in MontréalCloudy sky in Montréal

What I’ve created in March 2020

In March 2020, I've made peace with my creativity and my organization, and been more active overall. Here's what I published/sent this month:

For those interested in web development, I have also started being a little bit more active on GitHub again. You can see my repos here.

Oh and one more thing, I might have another little creative project that I would like to launch soon. If it comes to reality, I'll keep you updated very soon!

Share the love, here’s what I 💛’d in March 2020

Here are some contents around the web that I absolutely discovering reading this month:

Sunset on Montréal CitySunset on Montréal City

Let's chat

Here, that's about it for me this month. But now, what about you? What have been your highlights of the month? And do you already have plans for next month?

Last updated: 3 years ago

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