
Monthly Wrap-Up, September 2018

September was easily the best month of the year for me.

Hi readers,

September was easily the best month of the year for me. Nothing groundbreaking happened in the outside world but, so many things happened on the inside. As I prepare myself for the beginning of a new month, I can’t believe how much I learned about myself in September. Welcome to my Monthly Wrap-Up, September edition.

September in a Nutshell 🐚

September was marked by two ideas : renewal and perspectives. I had just came back from my trip in Martinique (learn more about it in my Summer Wrap-Up) and, beside my full-time work, I had approximately a whole month to make progress on my projects and prepare myself for the upcoming season, before the start of my classes this week. But, in this short laps of time, I learned more things about myself than I thought I would. And, more importantly I finally made progress toward my resolution for 2018: “Simplify my life”. Here are some things I achieved in September:

  • I woke up every morning to breathe, read, think and sweat,
  • I worked out at least 4 times a week in the past 4 weeks,
  • I finished 8 books (which is a whole lot for me in a month),
  • I got rid of clothes, books and other things (read my post “I am overwhelmed),
  • I launched a the new version of the blog,
  • I will launch a newsletter tomorrow,
  • I bought a new phone,
  • I have planned a trip to Berlin this Winter,
  • I started feeling productive and creative again,
  • I discovered a bunch of new places and restaurants in Paris
  • I’ve completely re-thought my approach on writing, learning and creating content.
Meisia RestaurantMeisia RestaurantMeisia RestaurantMeisia Restaurant

What I created for you this month

New website

Here it is: The new version of the blog (7.0) is here! I have been working quite a lot on it so I hope you’ll like it. With this new version of the blog I had three main goals:

  • Improving the user experience, especially your reading part,
  • Simplifying the format and getting rid of the unnecessary,
  • Giving more importance to the actual content and writing.

Don’t hesitate to tell me what you think of it in the comments!

A newsletter

I’ve been thinking about it for months and maybe years, but I finally launched it! Starting tomorrow, I’ll be sending one email a month to my subscribers. In this letter called “Renewal”, I will be focusing on two main ideas: Creating & Learning.

New blog posts

I wrote quite a lot in September, but only published two articles (plus this one), and an article in French for the “Bokantajénès” project of my friend Alychouette.

Starting next month, you can expect an article every Thursday at 19:00 on the blog.

What I learned this month…

… in books

E-books, Audiobooks, paperback: for probably the first month in my life, I finished more than 8 books! And, I couldn’t be more proud of myself. After suffering with a reading-slump for 3-4 months I finally caught up with my Goodreads challenge this month. And it was rather diverse, as I read books about science, productivity, psychology and fiction.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsHarry Potter and the Prizonner of AzkabanHarry Potter and the Goblet of FireDeep WorkJe suis un ZèbreSapiens

If you are interested in any of those books (or have read them), I would be delighted to talk about them with you! Also, I have some projects to share everything I learned in future blog posts, so you might want to follow that 😏

… about minimalism

I learned quite a lot about minimalism and, just like last month, I will suggest you to watch Matt D’avella’s videos if you are interested in the subject, or if you are interested in film making. His podcast “The Ground Up Show” is also an amazing resource for content creators.

… about myself

Sort of awakening for me, this month I finally caught up with my principles and my values. I finally understood what they were and why I wanted to live by them.

  • I started saying “No” to things I didn’t want or need in order to give bigger “YES” to what is important for me,
  • I have earned a lot of self-confidence as much with my body as with my mind and personality. Now I’m okay with trying things that I used to think “weren’t for me”.

Let’s Chat

What about you, what have you been up to in September? I would love to know !

Last updated: 3 years ago

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