
Why you should prioritize learning in 2019

All geared up to make the best out of 2019 yet? Well if you aren't, here are a few reasons why you should dedicate your life to learning.

« If you are willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you. »

Remember when we were in High School?
Every other day, we would be forced to make room for new (often useless) information into our already overcrowded head. From the early mornings arriving to class before the sun to the due homework to finish in the evening: learning was a chore.

Now, a few years later, most of us still associate the idea of learning with school. Seeing a book makes us think of the old assignments we use to receive, often with a (depending on your case) good or bad grade.

Formal education has taught us to expect a reward (a grade, an appreciation, a status) after the act of learning. But what to do when the reward isn't there anymore?

Why you should dedicate 2019 (and your life) to learning

Always be learningAlways be learning

That's the real question here. Why should you spend your spare time learning when you could be watching Netflix, or playing Smash Bros.?

You know you want to

How many times have you caught yourself thinking "Oh, I want to learn Spanish" or "how to ride a bike" or "how to cook", but the early day's energy left the place to later frustration of not having achieved anything. Making your education a priority in 2019 will allow you to finally cross that goal off your bucket list.

« The key to success is dedication to life-long learning. » — Stephen Covey

Land job easily

Dedicating your life to improving yourself every day is the best way to boost your portfolio and get a job faster. Not only will it make you smarter and kinder, which tend to be two skills asked from candidates, but it will also portrait you like someone you "have learned how to learn", and that is a game-changer.

Even Spider-Man finds time to read.Even Spider-Man finds time to read.

Learning is fun

It's what I like to do the most in the world. There is no word describing that inherent feeling when you learn and finally understand something new after having been frustrated for a long time. At that moment, you feel all-powerful and invincible and I like that.

How to make learning a priority in 2019

Make it a habit

If you plan to actually learn something new this year, you have to make it a daily habit. It doesn't have to be much though. Actually, as James Clear suggests in his book Atomic Habits_:_the more you remove the friction, the more likely you are to do it every day.

« Your knowledge is a lagging measure of your learning habits.» — James Clear

So, don't just say you are gonna learn Chinese this year, do it. Learn new vocabulary in the morning and practice in the evening. Whatever your goal is and whatever you do, just make sure that you do it every day, even if it's just for 5 minutes.

Make sure you learn every day.Make sure you learn every day.

Join a community of people like you

One of the great things about learning is that it doesn't have to be a solitary activity! Actually, one of the best ways to learn fast and make sure you stay consistent is to join a community of people who share the same interests and goals as you. That way you can get help when you are blocked and find motivation when you feel down!

Planning to read more this year? Join the #bookstagram community on Instagram or its equivalent on YouTube. Goodreads, Twitter, or even your library shop can be great resources. Whether you want to know how to code, learn a new language or get knowledge about personal finances, there are thousands of communities waiting for you, often just a Google search away.

Stay open-minded

Every now and then, the best occasions to learn don't come when we expect them. Learning is not just staying at your desk reading science or psychology books all day. It's also getting ready to see new things, get out of your house — or your country — to discover the world. There are infinite ways to learn and even more things to learn for those who keep their eyes open.

« Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do. » — Pele

Only you can build your future.Only you can build your future.

Let's chat

I only have one question left: what would you like to learn this year?

I want to give a special thanks to unsplash-logoiam Se7en, unsplash-logoWes Hicks and unsplash-logoRaj Eiamworakul for allowing me to use the photos the pictures in this post, found on Unsplash.

Last updated: 3 years ago

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