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Sharing ideas and discoveries in a few words.

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How I’ve conditioned myself to reach my goals in 2020

How I’ve conditioned myself to reach my goals in 2020

I decided to improve my systems, to condition myself to reach my goals this year, without relying on motivation or chance. Here's how I did it.

How waking up at 6am everyday changed my life

How waking up at 6am everyday changed my life

For the past couple of years, I have been waking up at 6 am every day and following a morning routine. Discover what I do in the morning.

Welcome to New York City, baby!

Welcome to New York City, baby!

After Paris, Berlin, London, and Montréal, here is the story of my first adventure in the Big Apple! New York City, here I am.

2020, a year of creativity

2020, a year of creativity

New decade, new year, new beginning: as we slowly settle into this new era, I want to think about and publicly state what will be my priorities for the next 365 days.

4 ways to reset before 2020

4 ways to reset before 2020

It is time to reflect back on what the past year has brought us, what we are proud of, what we regret, and overall, what we accomplished.

Bye 2019, thank you for everything.

Bye 2019, thank you for everything.

Oh 2019, a year of hardship and experiences, I don’t think I’ll forget you anytime soon. Bye 2019, thank you for everything.

We all have 24 hours

We all have 24 hours

As Seneca puts it: « It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it. [...] Life is long if you know how to use it. »

Am I creative enough?

Am I creative enough?

Here is a piece I had written a little while ago about my story with creativity.

4 things every procrastinator should do

4 things every procrastinator should do

If you often find yourself wanting a lot but never really achieving anything, but there are 4 things every procrastinator should do.