
Monthly Wrap-Up, June 2018

June was original. Not the typical kind of months I would expect.

January, February, March, I can't honestly believe we are in June already and that, half of the year has passed already. I usually like when months go fast, getting us closer to that vacation of that paycheck, but well, we should be able to breathe and live a bit too. Anyway, for this third Monthly Wrap-Up of all time, here I am, ready to tell you what I've been up to during the month of June 2018.

June in a Nutshell 🐚

June was original. Not the typical kind of months I would expect and, as a result I can't really tell you if it was a good and productive month or a bad one. All I know is that it was particularly interesting to live.

  • One of my posts on the blog performed and the blog performed amazingly well and I got great feedbacks from people and brands I admire,
  • I made so progress in some of my business projects,
  • I went to play bowling with friends,
  • randomly met friends from my home island in the middle of Paris
  • I had tea with new amazing and inspiring people I met through the internet (and I would love to meet you that are reading this blog post too — so contact me here!),
  • I didn't sleep for more than 26 hours due to an event I was organizing,
  • I discovered a new English tea shop and book store in Paris called WH Smith (on Rue de Rivoli),
  • I bought a Nintendo Switch,
  • I went to Bruno Mars concert in the Stade de France,
Photo Workshop in ParisRue de Rivoli in ParisView from my schoolEiffel Tower & Tokyo Palace

I also performed a photo shooting with some friends for a school project and not only did it went great but it also brought me amazing feedbacks and inspired me. Here is the sneak peek of the photo I took (most are unedited)

My favorites of the month 🌟

Here are all the pieces of content, whether books, movies, songs or articles I would suggest you this month :

Let's talk about books 📚

As I was telling you about my reading slump exactly one month ago in my previous Monthly Wrap-Up, guess what? It hasn't stopped yet. I have managed to finished books though, but somehow I didn't take as much pleasure reading them as I used to (which made me slow-er and grumpy). Maybe my tastes are changing or that I'm just not able to find a book that fits my expectations these days? I don't really know. I just hope that it will go away soon.

Nevertheless, here are the few books I managed to read or go through during the month :

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective PeopleHomo Sapiens Agenda

You can see all of the books I read and recommend on my Goodreads profile.

What about music? 🎶

Musically speaking, June was a great month for me as I discovered many new songs and vibes that I will probably listen to for ages to come (I also listened to songs I've known for ages) :

Here are the songs I would mostly advise you to listen to :

High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco

Melody by Lost Frequencies (ft. James Blunt)

The Stigma [Boy's don't Cry] by As It is

Yes, as you see I can go from Piano to Pop punk, to very pop mainstream songs. I just love music ❤️

If you want some other recommendations, here is my playlist for June 2018  🎶.

Movie Time 🎞

I managed to watch almost every movie that I had planned to see this month, except from Love, Simon (but it's only a matter of time). If, as you can guess, some articles are already in the making for you, here are some of the movies I got to see this month in theaters, or at home :

Incredibles 2Think Like A ManJurassic WorldDemi SoeursOcean's 8Parvana

Probably like everyone, here is my most anticipated movie release of July :

In July, I am also particularly expecting these movies :

Articles i published this month 👨🏾‍💻

Despite all of my good energy at the beginning of the month, I have to admit that I am rather disappointed in my blog posting this month. I started very fast with my review of Avengers Infinity War, my goals for the month and my planning but then let life get in the way and ... went MIA for more than 3 weeks. Just know that I miss writing here and that I definitely intend to go back at writing on a more consistent schedule.

My main goal for this new month is actually to respect my advice from my "How to organize your blog life" article and ... write 300 words per day, no matter what.

If you are curious about what is coming for you soon, my next blog post will be about my favorite soundtracks and music from movies. I also have quite a lot of small projects concerning the blog that I would like to be able to share with you soon !

Some intriguing Ideas 💡

As you know, whether articles, videos or podcasts, I consume quite a lot of content online on a daily basis. And, as I do it, I thought I would save you some time by suggesting the best of them to you :

Just as I said last month, if you are, even remotely interested in self-help, productivity or learning, I would highly suggest you to check out Medium or TED. Those are two amazing platforms for people with ideas and I would love to create content there some day.

Let's share the love 💛

I think it's important to share the love between bloggers and content creators when their content or ideas are worth it. So, here are some content from other bloggers that I would highly advise you to read :

Let's chat

What about you? What have you done during the month of June ? What new pieces of content or ideas have you come across? How do you usually get over a reading slump?

Last updated: 2 years ago

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