
Monthly Wrap-Up, February 2020

As expected, although January felt too long, February was quite a short month. I will admit that this last month was not the easiest for me.

As expected, although January felt too long, February was quite a short month. I will admit that this last month was not the easiest for me, as felt quite tired and slow to reach my goals but nonetheless, I stay proud of what I’ve accomplished and learned in the last 28 days. Here is what I’ve been up to in February 2020!

Health Wise: physical and mental fatigue

I think that was the main part of the month. January was amazing and I accomplished a great number of things but it also drained me and left me quite tired, both physically and mentally. In consequence, I started February at a slower pace than January, I took more time to rest and relax but, most of all, I stopped running after things.

This month, I just realized that life is just like a river. You can fight against its current, or you can surrender to it, and embrace it. I chose the latter and it actually felt quite good. Funnily enough, when I stopped running after time, I found more of it, I enjoyed more moments and I felt calmer.

On creating

I feel like I created less this month than last month or the ones before that, or at least I was less organized with my content creation. But funnily enough, it’s also this month that I received some very precious feedbacks and support from friends and other creators, so that’s a win! Here is what I created for you on the blog :

I've been focused on my school latelyI've been focused on my school lately

I’ve been a little bit MIA on the other creative fronts as well, but I still achieved some work done, whether for clients or for school so I am proud of it.

On learning

Sadly, the month has also been rather slow on the learning front as well. Why is that? I read quite a lot, but a bit less than in the previous months. This month, I started (but haven't finished yet):

Snow in Montréal, Canada 🇨🇦Snow in Montréal, Canada 🇨🇦

Overall it seems like February was rather heavy of a month on me, but it's alright. I learned how to prioritize my health and myself overall and I'm happy about that. March is usually my lucky month so I'll see how it goes!

Let’s chat

Now, what about you? How did February go for you? Did you also feel very tired or rather the contrary?

Last updated: 3 years ago

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