
Meisia, wonderful little “game-bar”, in the heart of Paris

Let's discover this wonderful game bar in the center of Paris, France. 🇫🇷

Picture the scene: it’s Saturday Night, I’ve finally decided to get out of the house and meet some friends in Paris. It’s 7 pm, we are all hungry, a tiny bored but we have heard of a new concept bar and restaurant in Paris to try out. I mean, you know me by now: I don’t usually back away from the opportunity to discover something new. So we took the leap, we came in and jumped into the unknown. Welcome to my review of “MEiSiA” café, restaurant, and “game-bar” in the heart of Paris.

From the moment I walked in I was amazed. Not because of the number of people (because, trust me, there were a lot), but because of the decorations and general ambiance of the place. Basically it was like entering a video game. Paintings, posters but mostly games on games on games. I enjoyed seeing so many references to fictional places and universes I know and love but I even more appreciated to discover loads of new ones !

Some posters, maps, and illustrations of famous movies or comicsSome posters, maps, and illustrations of famous movies or comics

My friends and I chose to settle down the stairs to discover the menu and decide what game to start with. A waiter quickly came to give us more information about the concept :

“Welcome to MEiSiA! You are free to take and try as much games as you want. We will write down the hour you arrived at, and, in order to be fair, you should to spend at least 4 euros per hour. If you spend more than 10€ (on, let’s say, a burger?) you automatically unblock 4 hours of game time. Have fun!”

A whole stack of games to choose from.

Mel Burger, how does it taste like?

Since I was quite on a discovering spree, I wasn’t going to stop on such short notice. So I settled myself with 3 new things to try out :

  • A Mel Burger (my first time with a Bao Burger — this one with Salad, Beef, Soya, carrots and coriander and red onions),
  • A “Mana Potion” (the blue mixture you can see here),
  • A salted butter caramel milkshake with soya instead of milk (should I say soyashake?)

The Mel Burger I ordered

No need to say that I wouldn’t be quoting them if I had not absolutely loved eating them! Though, I find that the quantity was well … not enough (for me at least), which is too bad considering that the price is quite high.

I can’t remember the exact name of all the games we played at but, it was really fun to have this tiny break from the daily screens and cellphones to just chat, and play in laugh together. I ended up leaving 32,50 on the table (which is honestly A LOT) but, because the experience and happiness it brought me, I don’t regret it for one minute.

The Mana Potion I orderedThe Mana Potion I ordered

Beautiful little shop to bring games back homes

They also feature a little shop if you want to buy your favorite games. I didn’t buy anything but I have to say that the inside was really beautiful and they have a rather broad collection of games. Though, I did notice that the prices were a bit high but well, what is money when there is love?

Beautiful concept, beautiful restaurant, I can’t help but suggesting you to try it out if you ever stay and look for adventures in Paris! 🍔

Where to find it

MEiSiA Café, Game Bar Adress: 84 Rue René Boulanger, 75010 Paris


Let’s chat

What about you, have you ever tried a game bar? Is that a concept you would be interested in trying?

Last updated: 3 years ago

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