
January 2020, Monthly Wrap-Up

Welcome to this new year, to this new decade! This month was quite exciting for me so, here’s what I’ve been up to in January 2020!

Hey readers,

Once more I’m back with a Monthly Wrap-Up. Although I had failed to publish any in the last few months, I want to write more of these in the future. If not for you who read, then at least for me: to keep track of my accomplishments, moods, and thoughts. So, without further ado, here’s what I’ve been up to in January 2020!

Let the 20’s begin 🚀

2020 started very quickly and slowly at the same time. After getting back from New York [link], I decided to focus really hard on one of my goals for the year: learning how to code. I had about a week before my classes start again and I wanted to make as much progress as I could. And... I did. I was quite amazed by how productive I could be when I wasn’t influenced by external stresses, from school, work or pretty much anything else. For these first 4-5 days I felt calm and at peace with my inner creative self.

Prepping the starting blocks for 2020

As you might have guessed if you have read my last few posts, one of my goals for 2020 is actually... to build habits that will allow me to reach all of my other goals and dreams. And that’s what I’ve been working on since I got back.

  • I committed to going to the gym three times a week for the month of January,
  • I committed to writing every morning for 10min,
  • I committed to code every day and document my progress on Twitter for the 100DaysOfCode challenge

I’ve been tracking my progress with Habitify and, so far I head in the right direction, which makes me happy. The next challenge will be to keep the good work for the rest of the year!

On learning in January 2020

On the learning front, January has been rather fruitful.

  • Learning React: I finally got back to learning how to code, (after so long!) by purchasing and following Andrew Mead’s class « The Complete React Developer in 2020 » on Udemy. I’ve learned so much in such a short time, and got to create also!
  • Learning Spanish: Last month, I found an amazing app called « Busuu » which helps you study new languages with daily classes and exercises, accompanied by a community of native speakers. I did my best to be assiduous with it this month and it rather paid off.
  • Engineering Classes: Got back to school, and finally started my computer engineering classes at last 😅 Despite the maths, this month I learned the basics a « logical systems » (binary counting, logical doors, etc.) as well as the basics of C++.
  • Books: January has also been an interesting month reading-wise. Here are the 5 books I had the opportunity to read lately:
Statue of Liberty © Mathieu CéralineStatue of Liberty © Mathieu Céraline

On creating in January 2020

If there is one important thing about this year, it’s the promise I made to myself: to keep creating every day, as much as I could, without trying to reach perfection. Just show up every day and work. Well... let me tell you that it wasn’t quite an easy job 😅 Sometimes you just feel like anxiety wants to kick your ass, but you just have to keep coming at it, no matter what. Alright, so in January I :

  • Blogging Wise: This month was very prolific for the blog. For the first time ever, I published 9 full-length posts and I’m so happy about it. I also sent 4 newsletters to my subscribers (you can subscribe here). Lastly, I’m currently in the middle of a full revamp of my strategy: I’m experimenting with new things.

  • Coding Wise: Despite the projects I worked on in the course, I also started working on my own personal projects. The dearest to my heart is a lightweight personal dashboard to make you smile every morning. I’ll be telling you more about it soon! For now, you can check my repo on GitHub.

  • Business Wise: Made progress on some clients' projects this month and got some positive feedback. I am happy.

On physical and mental health

I did my best to sleep and wake up earlier than usual, I ate rather well and I started going back to the gym. But most of all, I am happy and proud to have been less stressed and anxious about everything as I usually was. I’ve tried to accept each new situation as it was, without blaming myself, and it did me a lot of good.

Some posts, videos, songs, or ideas I loved in January 2020 💛

  • [Newsletter]: I shared quite a lot of tools, tips, and ideas that I came across this month in my newsletter. Check the latest issues out (and maybe subscribe!).
  • [Song]Experience by Ludovico Einaudi. Here I think that’s about all for January on my end! Now, what about you: what have you been up to for this first month of the decade?

Last updated: 3 years ago

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