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Monthly Wrap-Up, February 2019

I'm back with the Monthly Wrap-Up posts! What have you been up to in February 2019? Here is what happened in my little corner of the world.

Hi reader,

I know I haven't posted anything in quite a while, the past few weeks have been a bit hectic on my end and, most of all I somehow felt blocked whenever I wanted to write. But I'm back now ! And, guess what? I'm also back with the Monthly Wrap-Up posts.

I stopped writing them a few months ago because I felt like they necessited too much efforts to read and write compared to the actual informations they provided. But, as the time passed, I understood how important it is to keep track of your achivements if you plan on becoming successful ! Sooo, what have you been up to in February 2019? Here is what happened in my little corner of the world.

Business project?

That's what I'm most excited about this month 🙈. After months — or rather years — of hesitation, I finally took the plunge and ... started my own "micro-business". It's nothing much just yet and I'm mostly going to be working with clients I already worked with in the past but it's a huge step for me. Basically it feels like a new adventure that is going to teach me wonders !

If you are curious and want to know more about the whys and the hows of this new "business adventure", don't hesitate to shoot me a message. Let me know in the comments if you would like more posts on entrepreneurship too.

Reading and reading again

I just can't stop reading these days (and I'm certainly not complaining about it). For now, with almost 10 books down, I believe I could actually reach my goal of 50 books before the end of the year. Here are the books that were on my nightstand in the last few days:

  • Marie Lu, Batman: Nightwalker

  • Cal Newport, Digital Minimalism

  • Charlotte Brönte, Jane Eyre

  • Leigh Bardugo, Wonder Woman: Warbringer

What about you, what have you been reading lately ?

Making learning a priority

The very first sentence of my Personal Mission Statement is "I live to learn and to create" (I promise to talk about it in more details very soon). With only 24 hours every day, I want to spend most of my time on what I love doing the most: learning new concepts.

This month, I notably spent time learning about advanced concepts in Javascript, Minimalism and Entrepreneurship. But most of all, I finally found out what I want to learn in the long run (Web Development) and took some steps to make it easier for myself in the future.

And many other things

And so many other things I would like to share with you like "Kuccini", this new restaurant a discovered in Paris, or the Video Ad I conceived as a class project for a client, but it's already time to wrap up this post.

Thank you all for reading and I'll see you next time! I'm eager to know what you have been up to this month in the comments of this post 😉.

Last updated: 11/14/2021

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